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Shopping in and around Arthur...
"The Heart of Illinois Amish Country"
What makes your visit to Arthur and Illinois Amish Country unique is that here, you will find few chain stores, no big box stores, few absentee owners, and very little franchised food.
We're an old fashioned, Midwest America, rural, small
town with a thriving downtown district. Our main distinction, in this era of decaying small towns, is that
we are thriving!
Most of our offerings are local. Home grown. Locally made. Those are our buzz words. You're more likely to be waited on by the store owner as staff. And this makes your visit more personal.
Our Arthur recipes are special, our product selection tends to be more one of a kind, and our service is more intense.
Arthur has more than 30 hitch racks around town for our Amish Neighbors convenience. You'll more than likely be in line with an Amish family while you shop, and you'll be sure to see plenty of buggies on the town streets and country roads.
Come and browse through our shops and services on-line and get a taste of Arthur Amish Country. The listings to the right include many, but not all of our shopping opportunities. We have a hard time keeping track of them all. Additionally we have many, many more businesses and services that we do not mention here as we expect they are of less interest to the "day trip visitor." If you are seeking a particular business or service that you don't find categorized to the right, send us an email and we 'll try to find your answer. Chances are, Arthur has it!
Our listings here include many of Arthur's Amish Country Businesses and Amish Country web shopping opportunities as well! You'll find exactly what you need to make your shopping experience in the Amish country complete!
Look them over and then plan a visit to remember what you are missing!