Print out this pdf quilt show rules and entry form to register your entry..
General Information: Please read completely!
1. All quilts must be registered by April 13, 2025.
2. Mail registration forms to: Arthur Quilt Show ℅ Jolene Stutzman, 220 S. Vine, Arthur, IL 61911
3. Please fill out BOTH the top and bottom forms with accurate and detailed information.
4. Show limit of 6 quilts per person, 3 large/3 small.
5. Entry fee is $2.00 per entry. Enclose the fee with pre-registration form.
6. One form is required for each quilt. Form may be duplicated.
7. We reserve the right to change the category or refuse any item(s) based on the description given, or when delivered on Tuesday, April 22nd.
8. 2024 prize-winning quilts are not eligible for 2025 contest awards but will be accepted for exhibition ONLY.
9. Bring Quilts to Otto Center, 1⁄2 mile south of Arthur, 2056 County Road 1800 East, Arthur on Tuesday, April 22nd between 9 AM to 6 PM.
10. Do not mail quilts.
11. Pick-up quilts on Saturday, April 26th between 3:15 and 4:00 PM.
We have assigned categories to quilts depending on their age, size, type, and methods used to help you in your quilt category placement.
12. Quilt definition: A quilt consists of 3 layers~ two layers of cloth filled with “batting” material held together by a stitched
design. Quilt may be embellished with material other than cloth.
13. Please read the following descriptions carefully, then select the category that best fits your quilt. Put that number on the pre-registration form.
SMALL SIZE QUILTS – No side should be over 64”. You may enter up to three.
100 Baby: Any designed quilt made by hand or machine to be used on a child’s bed and smaller than a twin.
200 Wall Hanging: A quilted piece that may or may not be made for the purpose of hanging on the wall. Wall hangings vary in size of small from 36” or less to large between 37” and 64”.
300 Antique: A wall hanging or baby quilt that was finished completely over 50 years ago. This includes the top,
quilting, and binding. (Note: there is only one Antique division, with two sizes.)
FULL SIZE QUILTS – Over 64” on any side. You may enter up to three.
300 Antique: A quilt that has been finished completely over 50 years ago. This includes the top, quilting, and binding.
(Note: there is only one Antique division, with two sizes.)
400 Pieced (Hand Quilted): Pieces of cloth sewn together to produce a pattern usually in the form of a block. These may be pieced by hand or machine.
500 Pieced (Machine Quilted): Pieces of cloth sewn together to produce a pattern, usually in the form of a block. These may be pieced by hand or machine.
600 Mixed Construction: using more than one technique, which could include piecing, appliqué, embroidery; by Techniques hand or machine, or surface design like stenciling, painting, computer graphics, or whole cloth.
Gift Certificate prizes will be awarded in each category. Plus, a Grand Prize Gift Certificate for Best of Show Quilt. A People’s Choice Award will receive a ribbon prize only.
Baby, Wall Hanging & Antique 1st – $25.00, 2nd – $15.00, 3rd – $10.00
Pieced, Mixed Technique 1st – $50.00, 2nd – $35.00, 3rd – $20.00 Grand Prize ~ Best of Show $100.00
34th Annual Arthur Quilt Show ~ April 24-26, 2025
Otto Center ~ Arthur, Illinois
Please type or print clearly.
#___________ For Quilt Committee Use only.
Your name__________________________________________________________ Ph# ______________________________
Address _______________________________________ City _______________________ State________ Zip____________
Age of Quilt __________ Years Quilt Pattern _________________________________________
Category number (look at quilt category descriptions) _________ Size in inches wide ________ long ___________
Made by __________________________________ Quilted by _________________________________________
Story or History of Quilt in 50 words or less______________________________________________________________________
Who will pick up your quilt? ___________________________________________
Must be signed. I, the undersigned, understand the Arthur Quilt Show Committee will provide security and take the utmost care of my quilt. I also understand the Arthur Area Association of Commerce or the show facility is NOT responsible for any accident, damage or theft to my quilt.
Signed _____________________________________________________
This portion of the form will be given back to you when you deliver your quilt/s on Tuesday, April 22nd, 2025.This form entitles ONLY YOU to enter the quilt show free. (Hours: Thurs. & Fri. 10 am. – 4 pm. Sat. 10 am – 3 pm.) You will need this form when picking up your quilt/s on Saturday, April 26, 2025, between 3:15 and 4:00 PM #______________
Name of Exhibitor _________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________City ________________________ State _________ Zip ______________
Pattern of Quilt _________________________ Who will pick up your Quilt? _________________________________________
Must be signed. I, the undersigned, understand the Arthur Quilt Show Committee will provide security and take the utmost care of my quilt. I also understand the Arthur Area Association of Commerce or the show facility is NOT responsible for any accident, damage or theft to my quilt.
Signed _____________________________________________________
BELOW (Both top and bottom must be signed)
Arthur Quilt Show c/o Jolene Stutzman, 220 S. Vine, Arthur, IL 61911
(217) 543-2287